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How to Make It As a Fitness Model

So You Wanna Be a Fitness Model? People that follow my stuff know I generally write about nutrition, supplements, training, and other topics that are more science based than subjective topics, such as what is covered in this article. I decided to shuck my science geek persona, and write on a topic I know will be helpful to thousands of would be and want to be fitness models. As well a known "hard core" science based no BS writer, why I am writing what some will perceive as a "fluff" article? Over the years I have gotten hundreds, perhaps thousands, of gals that ask me via email, letters, or in person "how do I become a fitness model Will? You...

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Fitness For Girls - Fitness Knows No Genders

Many studies have been conducted related to fitness for girls and the results show that most of the girls have shunned sports and have neglected fitness and are not concerned about being fit at all. This causes anxiety in parents who are concerned for their daughter's health. When a girl steps into adolescence, her parents search for ways, to keep their daughter interested in being fit like their son. The solution is to teach kids, right from childhood that it is a style of life to choose fitness and being fit is nothing short of a lifetime endeavor. Boys do not pose a problem when it is fitness is concerned as they are sports oriented and are ever conscious about...

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Fitness Beginners : How to Stay Motivated

Not all bodies are made equal (metabolism wise) First and foremost, you need to understand that each body is unique with its own fat burning speed. We all probably have that one friend who just started eating well and working out, and are already a size down... Good for them, but a really BAD reference point for you! Not every body functions this way and actually very few of them do. What is more, you can't eat all sorts of junk food for 5 years and expect to revert the process in 5 days,it's just not how it works. So how do we overcome this feeling of disappointment? Simple... the only fitness competition you have is yourself! That gorgeous girl...

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Exercises to lower the abdomen and buttocks

Buy Now : The best products to tighten the abdomen and buttocks Belly and buttocks The problem of swollen buttocks and abdomen is one of the most troublesome problems for both men and women. They force them to wear long, loose clothing to hide what they see, and to limit their weariness to clothing, especially women. For dresses and shorts that increase their attractiveness, along with the negative effects they may have on self-confidence and feelings of depression and frustration. Causes of accumulation of fat in the abdomen and lower body : Increased secretion of female hormones, which cause the retention of body fluids and accumulation of fat in the abdomen and buttocks. Dietary practices and lifestyles, eating more than the...

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Belly exercises, buttocks and thighs for women

Buy Now Best Products Fitness Abdominal fat, thighs and buttocks : You may not find many women enough time to go to the sports centers; become the problem of accumulation of fat, especially in the abdomen and buttocks of the most problems that bother them, which increase because of pregnancy and childbirth and lack of movement, so we will address in this article many simple exercise, At home with ease to get rid of accumulated fat. Abdominal exercises, buttocks and thighs for women : push up : This exercise is practiced by sleeping straight on the back, tightening the muscles of the abdomen, placing the hands behind the head, bending the knees straight, lifting the head up with hands and pressing...

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