Relieve the rumen in a week


Disposal of rumen

The release of rumen is important and useful for many reasons. In addition to giving a beautiful appearance that improves the appearance of the external and psychological, it is useful for health, as the accumulated fat in the abdomen is the most dangerous to human health, it accumulates around the important organs, and secretion of substances that stimulate chronic inflammation and increase the risk of many chronic diseases, Such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, some cancers, high blood pressure.

There is a simple and easy way to know if you have an excess accumulation of fat in the abdominal area, which is a measurement of the waist circumference. If the waist circumference is greater than 88 cm in women or more than 102 cm in men, To get rid of these fats, fortunately, the elimination of fat in this area is easier than the body fat that accumulate in the buttocks and which are considered stubborn fat. 

Relieve the rumen in a week

There is no doubt that one week is not enough to treat the problem of rumen and get rid of the fat accumulated in it, but a week is enough to take some of the steps that are committed to the treatment of this problem, and to get the best results possible within a week can begin to do all the steps we will talk Below, taking into account that the most successful plans are those that adopt gradual changes and realistic and logical goals,  in contrast to the highways that the person continues to return to write down the weight lost after discontinuing them, and in steps The following methods of disposal Of the rumen.


Diet food

In order to get rid of the rumen, a balanced, calorie-balanced diet should be followed. It should give fewer calories than the body burns daily, so that the body has to resort to stored fat for energy. In addition, some foods Which found that research has a role in fighting abdominal fat, although there is no specific diet dedicated to the loss of belly fat, but found some food to play a role in fighting, such as monounsaturated fat, a study found that people who ate 25% Of their calories Of the monounsaturated fats did not store fat in the abdomen, as opposed to those who ate less of these fats and a larger amount of carbohydrates so that the total calories were equal in both cases,  can also be used to drink green tea, which contributes to the fight against body fat and fat Abdominal,  care should be taken to intake of calcium from milk and low-fat products, where a study found that calcium intake of milk is associated with lower weight and lower fat accumulation more than calcium intake through dietary supplements. 


Studies have shown that aerobic exercise targets and contributes to lower abdominal fat.  It is good to start exercising early in the morning, giving the opportunity to exercise before a person starts his daily routines and activities that may distract him from performing sports. For best results in rumen dilution, at least 10 hours per week of aerobics should be practiced.  Aerobic sports include: brisk walking, jogging, rope jumping, stationary bike, aerobics, and other aerobic exercises From the rate of heartbeat and breathing, you should consult medicine B Before starting the exercise of sport for people with chronic diseases or is accustomed to exercise or who carry weight plus great. 

Drinking water

Drinking water can help you feel full and reduce the amount of food you eat. You can sometimes eat when you feel thirsty to eat some foods that contain water, and you may feel hungry and thirsty. Water before meals, where a study found that this behavior reduces the amount of calories consumed in the meal, and this contributes to weight loss and the elimination of accumulated fat when adopting this behavior and adhere to it. 

Modified lifestyle and behaviors

A person should develop an appropriate plan to change erroneous behavior that leads to weight gain and fat accumulation. This plan should be gradual so that the person can carry it out and continue. It can be used to write notes about behaviors, foods eaten, times and places to eat. To identify problems and develop appropriate solutions, where a person can modify a limited number of behaviors at a time so that he can accept change and enter it as part of his lifestyle. The use of correct behaviors, such as increasing the number of meals, reducing their intake, avoiding eating while watching TV, using smaller dishes, chewing for a long time, and many others, helps to support long-term weight loss and success. Healthy and adequate sleep plays an important role in weight loss and excess fat. 

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