How to slim the ass

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Obesity problem :

Many people suffer from the problem of obesity, and the problem of accumulation of fat in certain areas of the body, and these people seek to follow diets and exercise, to exercise; to burn fat in those areas, but this is difficult to achieve; burning fat is done throughout the body without targeting the area Eating fatty foods increases the amount of fatty tissue in various areas of the body such as the buttocks.  Individuals are therefore advised to follow a healthy, low-fat diet, and exercise , Like For walking, dancing, jogging, and swimming for at least 30 minutes at least 3-4 days a week to burn calories that will accumulate as fat in the body if not disposed of. Fat is burned in an area of ​​the body before others depending on the factors Taking into account that obtaining the required results requires at least 6 weeks of hard work, and it may take longer depending on the size of the original buttocks, the weight of the person, and the level of activity before the start of the program to burn fat buttocks, so be patient , And not to despair in the absence of quick results, Because this is perfectly normal. 

Quality of back fat :

The body fat has been divided by its type and location in the body. In terms of fat, it has been divided into two types: brown fat, healthy fats that are more healthy than obese people, and help burn calories. A way to increase its percentage in the body, as a way to get rid of obesity and overweight in the future, and the second type is the white fat, which accumulate in the bodies of people with obesity, and work the endocrine system in the body and affect the process of biological processes. It belongs to fat gathering places The visceral fat that is found around the internal organs of the body, such as in the abdominal area, which causes damage to human health and raises the risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, strokes. There is a second type of fat, which is surface fat accumulated directly under the skin, Such as in the area of ​​the thighs, and the back, and are located in the abdomen above the abdominal visceral fat, may not be superficial fat bad, on the contrary may be beneficial to the health of the body, as opposed to abdominal fat deep visceral, as being in the abdomen may pose serious health risks . 

Methods of slimming the ass :

In addition to a healthy diet is recommended to exercise, which speeds up the burning of fat and calories consumed in the body, and thus accelerate the burning of fat behind, where it is recommended to exercise heart attack heartburn calories, in addition to exercise strength exercises, and these exercises what comes : 

  • Up stairs and away from escalators and lifts, which helps to increase fitness and calorie burning, as the rise of stairs for simple periods may give remarkable health benefits, and based on a study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine British In the first week of the study, and in the seventh and eighth weeks they climbed the stairs five times a day for five days a week, A total of 10 minutes of exercise per day was enough to get good results.
  • Hiking, where walking has health benefits similar to climbing stairs, can climb hills, and walk in uneven areas to promote incineration.
  • Climbing burns up twice the amount of calories that can be burned while walking, climbing stairs in the same time period, climbing can be practiced in the gymnasium equipped for that, and climbing other benefits, where it can be considered a sport of mind by thinking about how Climbing and choosing the right path.
  • Exercising intensively in gymnasiums is not a short period. Many exercises can be practiced alternately.
  • Exercising in the gym for less than 4 minutes can increase fitness, improve health, and can increase the time to half an hour to increase calories burning. Following a 12-15 exercise routine, each exercise takes about 30 seconds, then the next workout, 30 seconds of exercise, and 10 seconds rest between exercise.
  • Practice yoga and relaxation exercises, where yoga is recommended that contains at least 15-20 minutes of challenging exercises that lead to sweating.
  • A variety of sports that focus on the lower body, such as squatting, and sitting on the dummy chair (a yoga movement).
People are advised to eat balanced healthy food, moderate aerobic exercise at least 150 minutes per week, or exercise for high intensity of 75 minutes at least weekly. It is also recommended to add muscle strengthening exercises two or three times a week. Consuming calories, burning and gaining them helps stimulate fat burning processes, regardless of where they accumulate, as muscle building by exercise increases calorie burning processes and beautifies the appearance of the buttocks. 

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